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Showing posts from March, 2020

Cara Browsing di Internet Tanpa Terlacak Melindungi Privasi | Diego Murdani

PON XX A New Record for East Indonesia’s History

The excitement for the 2020 Indonesian National Sports Week (PON XX) is getting apparent. Preparation is ongoing in East Indonesia that will host the event on October 20-November 2, 2020. Millions of eyes are ready to witness the biggest sports event in Indonesia attended by all athletes from 34 provinces and 17,504 islands in the country. There will be 12,500 Indonesia athletes competing in 37 sports and 768 matches. Kangpo the Tree Kangaroo and Drawa the Bird of Paradise are ready to hype up PON XX as its mascots. West Papuan musicians and singers have also made a West Papua song titled Papua Bangkit (West Papua, Rise!). The lyrics of the song is made to make every listener stand up and wave their red-and-white West Papua flag to support West Papuan athletes. How far is West Papua’s preparation for PON XX? According to West Papua news, the biggest stadium with international standards and the pride of West Papuan, Papua Bangkit Stadium, has already been done. The housin...

OPM Spread Old Videos to Win Sympathy

The cruelty of OPM armed criminal group's brutal shootings on Tembagapura residents who tried to take shelter in the Old Utikini Village Police Station, Mimika, is revealed (3/2). On March 2, 2020, it was posted in many West Papua news that OPM brutally opened fire on Tembagapura residents who tried to take shelter in the Utikini Lama Village Police Station, Mimika. As a result, more than 1,500 Tembagapura residents asked the security forces in Tembagapura Sector Police to evacuate them to Timika on March 6, 2020. OPM armed criminal group then sought to gather sympathy by spreading old videos from 2011 to cover up their terror against citizens. After Shooting Tembagapura Residents in East Indonesia, Organisasi Papua Merdeka (OPM) Spread Old Videos to Win Sympathy In the video from 9 years ago, OPM (Organisasi Papua Merdeka) mentioned that 2 officers poured glue on a citizen and set the citizen on fire (3/10). OPM did not even provide clear evidence and did not ...

Peristiwa yang Terjadi di Bulan September

Munir Said Thalib, Foto: Jawapos Peristiwa merupakan kejadian yang benar-benar terjadi. Biasanya hal ini merupakan kejadian yang menimbulkan kesan bagi orang yang mengalaminya maupun yang mengetahui peristiwa tersebut. Suatu peristiwa juga dapat dikatakan sebagai sejarah karena terjadi dalam masyarakat dan akan menjadi sumber sejarah. Kejadian berharga ini biasanya terjadi di satu waktu dan dianggap sebagai momen. Banyak kejadian atau momen bersejarah yang pernah terjadi di September.  Bulan September menjadi bulan yang cukup menyedihkan bagi sejumlah orang. Baik dalam dunia entertainment ataupun secara global. Bulan ke Sembilan ini pun memiliki sejumlah memorial yang tidak dapat dilupakan. Berikut beberapa peristiwa penting yang pernah terjadi di bulan September. 1.    Pembunuhan Munir Munir adalah seorang pembela Hak Asasi Manusi. Ia dikabarkan dibunuh pada saat sedang terbang menuju Amsterdam untuk melanjutkan studinya. Munir dibunuh menggunakan racun a...